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OD Grinder Table Assembly

Over time, an OD grinder table assembly can wear from an improperly aligned headstock and tailstock moving along the grinder’s table slides, which causes a number of issues when trying to grind a part. GCH meets this challenge by offering complete remanufacture of your OD grinder table assembly.

OD Grinder Table Assembly

GCH offers quality remanufacturing of OD grinder table assemblies with expedient turnaround and competitive pricing.

  • The “bad” area of the table is ground away.
  • Rulon® or Turcite® material is applied to the bottom of the table to raise it to original, proper machine center heights. 
  • The top of the table assembly is hand scraped to allow a uniform fit from end-to-end, allowing for correct fit of the headstock and tailstock and proper center height alignment with one another.

Learn more about our quality assurance program, which ensures our customers get the best-quality remanufactured table assemblies for their OD grinders.

Speak with one of our experienced sales engineers